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Membership: YarnSwoggle membership opens valuable pages here on our site. A member becomes part of our community. Community membership is free for the first month. Then, modest monthly dues are collected. As a member, you may:
- promote your books on the community forum,
- request that other community members review your books,
- write reviews in response to requests,
- have your books featured on our Podcast, with the potential of reaching millions of listeners,
- have your books featured in our cover gallery,
- have a chance of your books being chosen for the image carousel and
- participate in the YarnSwoggle Community by posting and reading posts about books, writing books, reading books, and almost anything else.
NOTE: All members of YarnSwoggle.com are added to our mailing list. That means you will receive occasional emails from us about book writing and other YarnSwoggle.com activities. These occasional emails will be informational and will not attempt to sell you anything book wise.